
Stories between the Clouds

Reclaiming the Forest New!

Embark on a captivating journey of courage and friendship in Reclaiming the Forest. In this short story, Leonard Wellinhall must join forces with his childhood friend, Drake Kane, to unravel the mysteries surrounding stolen artifacts. What begins as a routine case takes a thrilling turn, revealing a deeper peril that threatens their realm. Together, Leo and Drake must confront enigmatic thieves who seek to unleash chaos upon their world. Reclaiming the Forest weaves a tale of adventure, loyalty, and self-discovery as the protagonists uncover long forgotten truths. Join Leo on his enthralling journey as he discovers the lengths one will go to protect their loved ones.

Welcome to the Pulubi!

Discover the Pulubi, a captivating universe where stories unfold amidst the Realms Between the Clouds. Alejandro M. P. invites you to step into the Realms where tales come to life, where dreams take flight, and where the extraordinary awaits.